Former Somerset County DA Jerry Spangler Named PDAA Traffic Safety Resource Officer
Harrisburg, PA — The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute (PDAI) announced today that Jerry Spangler has been appointed Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP). In this role, Spangler will serve as a source for law enforcement and county district attorneys in dealing with highway safety cases, including Driving Under the Influence cases and will be a liaison to several state highway safety organizations. Spangler begins his new position on May 28, 2019.
“Jerry brings decades of experience in criminal justice prosecutions and policy-making to the role of Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor,” said Lindsay Vaughan, Executive Director of PDAI. “Jerry’s experience as a district attorney, in addition to his work related to treatment and better outcomes in the criminal justice system make him a great fit for the Institute.”
Most recently, Spangler worked at the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs DDAP on projects that improved outcomes in DUI cases by improving collaboration and system-building in criminal prosecutions of individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). He is a former member of PCCD’s Criminal Justice Advisory Committee.
Spangler also has extensive experience in criminal prosecutions, serving for four terms as District Attorney of Somerset County and seven years as an assistant district attorney. He is a past officer and past president of PDAA and PDAI and served on the executive committee during a time when it had an active role in drafting the current DUI statute, revisions to county and state IP programs, and enactment of three amendments to the state constitution.
“It is a privilege to join the staff and work with prosecutors and law enforcement in their efforts to pursue justice through professional and prosecutorial excellence,” Spangler said. “PDAA is recognized as one of the best prosecution organizations in the country. We are at the forefront of criminal justice reform and victim advocacy and have a hard-earned reputation of getting things done.”
The TSRP coordinates traffic-safety training curriculum for police, prosecutors and others interested in the goals of reducing road safety deaths and keeping dangerous drivers off of the road. PDAI’s TSRP works closely with PennDOT and the Pennsylvania DUI Association. The position also has a seat on the steering committee for PennDOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan and is a member of the Commonwealth’s Regional Safety Team.
Sponsored by the PDAI, the TSRP is funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with the funds administered by PennDOT. The program is endorsed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and has the complete support of the National Traffic Law Center of the National District Attorneys Association and the National Association of Prosecutor Coordinators.
PDAI, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the education and training affiliate of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association based in Harrisburg, PA. Since its inception, the Institute has trained over 2,000 assistant district attorneys in its Basic Prosecutors Course and held a District Attorney Seminar for newly elected and appointed DAs every other year. The Institute also conducts training courses for law enforcement officers and victim service professionals.
Contact: Lindsay Vaughan, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association or (717) 238-5416.