Lancaster County Assistant District Attorney I – Special Victim’s Unit

The Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office is seeking persons interested in prosecuting crimes in our Special Victims Unit to include child abuse and domestic violence prosecutions. Pay is commensurate with experience. Our Special Victims Unit attorneys prosecutes sexual assaults, crimes against young children and domestic violence cases. Members of this unit strive to seek justice for society’s most vulnerable victims. An attorney in this unit becomes involved with police and a victim / witness advocate at the earliest stages of an investigation. Their prior approval is required before certain charges may be filed. These attorneys will then follow that case through the court system.

An Assistant District Attorney is responsible for the prosecution of a wide array of criminal offenses and handles all phases of a prosecution from pre-investigation through post-sentence appeals.  It is the duty of an Assistant District Attorney to seek justice. In doing so, an Assistant District Attorney is responsible for evaluating cases, taking into consideration resources, strength of the evidence, severity of the crime, any impact on victims and the community and policy considerations. Compensation is subject to collective bargaining.

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