
New Officers Elected to Lead PA Law Enforcement Education and Training

July 21, 2014

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute (PDAI) announced today that Adams County District Attorney Shawn Wagner has been elected president to lead the organization during the 2014-2015 business year. The new officers are:

President: Hon. Shawn C. Wagner, Adams County District Attorney
Vice President: Hon. David Freed, Cumberland County District Attorney
Secretary-Treasurer: D. Peter Johnson, Union County District Attorney

PDAI is the educational and training arm of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA). The election took place during the PDAI summer meeting, July 15, 2014.

“Through the work of the PDAI, Pennsylvania’s prosecutors stay up-to-date on technology, best practices and case law so we may defend the innocent and hold the guilty accountable,” said Wagner. “The Institute is known for providing some of the best education and training programs in the country, and I look forward to continuing that tradition.”

Shawn Wagner served as president of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association during the 2011- 2012 business year. He was first elected Adams County District Attorney in 2004. He has served as PDAA’s Secretary-Treasurer, a member of the PDAA Executive Committee and on the Pennsylvania District Attorney Institute’s (PDAI) Board of Directors. In addition, Wagner headed the Education and Training Committee for PDAI. Prior to becoming a district attorney, Wagner served as deputy attorney general for the Attorney General’s Drug Strike Force (1993 to 2003), assistant district attorney in Philadelphia (1991 to 1993) and assistant district attorney in Cumberland County (1987 -1991).

The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute is the education and training affiliate of the Association. It was founded in 1983 for the purpose of developing and providing educational materials and training seminars for District Attorneys. In addition to providing training and materials to District Attorneys and their staffs, the Institute also conducts child abuse investigation courses, case law updates and other training courses for Pennsylvania’s law enforcement officials and administers programs to provide training to victim service professionals.