PDAA Issues Statement on Commonwealth Court’s Marsy’s Law Decision
HARRISBURG, PA — PDAA issued the following statement today after the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania issued an opinion that invalidated an important constitutional amendment that would have elevated existing constitutional victims’ rights to the Constitution.
“We respectfully but strongly disagree with the decision of the Court. Crime victims face far too many obstacles, and thedeck is often stacked against them. A significant majority of Pennsylvanians recognized this unfortunate reality when they voted in favor of the proposed amendment. Because prosecutors are often a voice for crime victims in the criminal justice system, we know and appreciate that crime victims are entitled to dignity and constitutionally protected rights.
We have every hope today’s decision will be appealed to the Supreme Court.”
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Contact: Greg Rowe, PDAA Acting Executive Director, (717) 231-3912 or growe@pdaa.org