Pike County District Attorney Raymond Tonkin Elected PDAI President
Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute (PDAI) announced its newly elected officers for the 2021-22 business year. The election took place during the Institute’s annual business meeting. The new officers are:
President: Hon. Raymond Tonkin, Pike County District Attorney
Vice President: Hon. Mike Piecuch, Snyder County District Attorney
Secretary/Treasurer: Hon. Gene A. Vittone, Washington County District Attorney
Additionally, Bedford County District Attorney Lesley R. Childers-Potts was elected to serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
PDAI is the educational and training arm of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA).
“The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute plays an essential role in the education and training of district attorneys, law enforcement and victim services counselors,” said Tonkin. “It is important for us to share ideas and work together as we continue to keep up-to-date in new areas of the law and best practice. I am honored to take the reins of the Institute and the opportunity to support the integrity of our profession.”
Mr. Tonkin was first elected district attorney in Pike County 13 years ago after serving eight years as an assistant district attorney in the office. Committed to addressing some of the modern-day challenges faced by the criminal justice system in Pike County, he worked to develop the Pike County Children’s Advocacy Center, created a Domestic Abuse Response Team and initiated the Pike CARE program, a treatment-centered approach to divert non-violent offenders with underlying addiction to drugs or alcohol get them on the road to staying crime free for the betterment of the community, themselves and their family. Mr. Tonkin currently serves on the State Victim Services Advisory Committee, a position he has held through the appointment of two governors. He also chairs the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association’s Victim Services Committee. Before becoming a prosecutor, Mr. Tonkin was a local police officer for seven years.
The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute was founded in 1983 for the purpose of developing and providing educational materials and training seminars for District Attorneys. In addition to providing training and materials to District Attorneys and their staffs, the Institute also conducts child abuse investigation courses, case law updates and other training courses for Pennsylvania’s law enforcement officials and administers programs to provide training to victim service professionals. For more information about the Institute and its offerings, click here.
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July 27, 2021
Contact: Greg Rowe, Director of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute growe@pdaa.org or (717) 238-5416.