
DAs to Drivers: Stay Out of Jail and Stay Alive with Safe, Sober Rides on New Years

December 31, 2009

Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvania’s district attorneys reminded drivers today that sober rides are the best way to stay out of jail and stay alive this New Year’s Eve.

“Pennsylvania’s District Attorneys want to remind drivers that there are consequences of impaired and unsafe driving,” says Pennsylvania’s Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP) Max P. Little, Esq. “The safest way to kick-off 2010 is to be responsible and get a safe, sober ride.”

According to Pennsylvania’s Drive Safe PA website (www.drivesafepa.com), driving under the influence and aggressive driving are the leading contributors to highway deaths. In 2008, the months of December, January and February had the most crashes. Alcohol-related crashes account for approximately 10% of the total crashes in 2008 and they resulted in 36% of all persons killed in crashes.

“PennDOT statistics show that alcohol related crashes are almost five times more likely to result in death than those not related to alcohol,” Little said. “If you are impaired and driving on New Year’s Eve the numbers are against you. Drivers getting behind the wheel should not only be thinking about staying out of jail this New Year’s Eve, but staying alive. Don’t forget, if you are over the limit, you’ll be under arrest.”

As Pennsylvania’s TSRP, Little serves on the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) steering committee that created a statewide strategic highway safety plan. As part of that plan, Little pointed out that Operation Safe Holiday, a traffic safety campaign sponsored by PennDOT, is in full swing. Pennsylvania’s State Police and hundreds of municipal police officers are on the roads working to increase traffic safety enforcement. More information is available atwww.drivesafepa.com.“Law enforcement will be out in full force the next few days,” Little said. “But, district attorneys would rather prevent a tragedy from happening than prosecute a case involving the terrible, long-lasting consequences of impaired or aggressive driving,” Little said.

About Pennsylvania’s Traffic Safety Prosecutor

Pennsylvania’s district attorneys assumed responsibility for the TSRP position to help prosecutors, law enforcement officers and other community stakeholders in the arena of traffic safety education and enforcement. The TSRP works with PennDOT, the Pennsylvania DUI Association, MADD and other organizations to coordinate a traffic-safety training curriculum for police, prosecutors and others interested in the common goals of safe-driving. The TSRP also works directly with district attorneys with assistance in prosecuting traffic-related cases.