District Attorneys from Montgomery, Lebanon and Indiana Counties Elected to Serve in PDAA Leadership Positions
Harrisburg, PA –The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) announced new members to executive board and appointments to two key leadership positions.
Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele was named Legislative Chair and member of the executive committee. Lebanon County District Attorney David Arnold, a past-president of the PDAA, was elected Communications Chair. Indiana County District Attorney Pat Dougherty was elected to its executive committee. All of the nominations were approved unanimously during the PDAA executive committee’s winter meeting.
“The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association takes an active role to ensure fairness and integrity in the criminal justice system and seeks way to make our communities safer,” said PDAA President and Berks County District Attorney John T. Adams. “We welcome District Attorney Dougherty to the executive committee and look forward to his input and leadership.”
Throughout its history, PDAA has been an active presence in statewide and local initiatives on matters related to public safety. Most recently, the association successfully led efforts to: rewrite Megan’s Law to ensure child predators remain on a public, statewide registry, reform Pennsylvania’s child protection laws; establish historic, first-time state funding for Children’s Advocacy Centers; create a statewide prescription drug return and disposal program to help fight back against prescription drug abuse; and administer the distribution of life-saving naloxone to municipal police departments and reform the commonwealth’s forfeiture laws.
About the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association: PDAA is comprised of approximately 1,000 members and is charged with providing uniformity and efficiency in the discharge of duties and functions of Pennsylvania’s 67 district attorneys and their assistants. Since it was founded in 1912, the association has dutifully sponsored extensive training programs and reported legal and legislative developments of importance to Pennsylvania prosecutors. In addition, the association is often called upon by legislative leaders, at the state and national level, to address public policy issues and efforts, which impact the prosecution of criminal cases, victim rights and public safety.