Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) announced today that the association’s executive committee has elected Dauphin County District Attorney Edward M. Marsico, Jr. president to fill the vacancy following the death of Erie County District Attorney Brad Foulk on August 12, 2009.
Marsico has served as the PDAA’s vice president since his election to that position in February 2009 and has been a member of the PDAA’s executive board since 2002.
“The saddest of circumstances have brought me to this position, but in the tradition that Brad Foulk would have wanted, I accept the responsibility as a great honor and with tremendous shoes to fill,” said Marsico. “As PDAA president, I look forward to being actively engaged in the issues important to law enforcement and advocating on behalf of victims of crime, the integrity of our criminal justice system and the prosecutors who serve it.”
Also elected to new leadership positions today where Crawford County District Attorney Francis J. Schultz as vice president and Delaware County District Attorney G. Michael Green as secretary/treasurer.
Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin remains president of the PDAA’s education and training arm, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute (PDAI). Marsico will now serve as PDAI’s vice president and Schultz as PDAI’s secretary/treasurer.
Marsico was first elected District Attorney for Dauphin County in November 1999. In addition to successfully prosecuting high profile, difficult cases, his tenure has been noted for instituting a Dauphin County investigative grand jury, making improvements in local child abuse investigations, and being actively engaged in state legislative criminal justice issues and debates. Before he was elected DA, Marsico served as an assistant district attorney where he handled many homicide and drug prosecutions. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Dauphin County Victim/Witness Assistance Program and the ARC of Dauphin and Lebanon Counties. Marsico is also an adjunct professor at Widener University School of Law and Harrisburg Area Community College.
The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association is comprised of approximately 1,000 members and is charged with providing uniformity and efficiency in the discharge of duties and functions of Pennsylvania’s 67 District Attorneys and their assistants. Since its founding in 1912, the Association has dutifully sponsored extensive training programs and reported legal and legislative developments of importance to Pennsylvania prosecutors. In addition, the Association is often called upon by legislative leaders at the state and national level to address public policy issues and efforts which will impact the prosecution of criminal cases, victim rights and public safety.