Harrisburg, PA – As part of PDAA’s Centennial Celebration, PDAA has partnered with Penn State School of Law to host “The Modern Day Prosecutor: In The Pursuit of Justice”, a panel discussion exploring the role of the modern day prosecutor. The panel will be held on Monday, September 24 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Sutliff Auditorium, Penn State School of Law University Park and will be broadcast simultaneously to the law school’s Apfelbaum Family Courtroom and Auditorium in Carlisle.
Moderator: Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin;
Panel: Berks County District Attorney John Adams, Butler County Judge Timothy McCune, Crawford County District Attorney Francis Schultz, Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed, Lehigh County District Attorney James Martin, Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman, Northumberland County District Attorney Anthony Rosini and Philadelphia County District Attorney R. Seth Williams.
The Modern Day Prosecutor: In The Pursuit of Justice
3:30-5:00p.m, Monday, September 24, 2012
Sutliff Auditorium, Penn State School of Law–State College, PA
Apfelbaum Family Courtroom and Auditorium, PSU Law Carlisle Campus–Carlisle, PA
The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association is comprised of approximately 1,200 members and is charged with providing uniformity and efficiency in the discharge of duties and functions of Pennsylvania’s 67 District Attorneys and their assistants. Since its founding in 1912, the Association has dutifully sponsored extensive training programs and reported legal and legislative developments of importance to Pennsylvania prosecutors. In addition, the Association is often called upon by legislative leaders at the state and national level to address public policy issues and efforts, which will impact the prosecution of criminal cases, victim rights and public safety.