

July 20, 2012

Harrisburg, PA – Celebrating a century of service in 2012, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) today announced its newly elected officers for the 2012-2013 business year. The election took place during the PDAA summer business meeting July 8-12, 2012 at Seven Springs Resort. The new officers are:

President: Hon. Shawn C. Wagner, Adams County District Attorney

Vice President: Hon. David J. Freed, Cumberland County District Attorney

Secretary-Treasurer: Hon. D. Peter Johnson, Union County District Attorney

“Pennsylvania’s District Attorneys have a longstanding tradition of advocacy on behalf of law enforcement, as well as crime victims and their families,” said Wagner. “As president of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association, I look forward to working on the issues that will continue to ensure the integrity of our criminal justice system and will hold prosecutors accountable to the highest ethical standards.”

Shawn Wagner was first elected Adams County District Attorney in 2004. He has served as PDAA’s Secretary-Treasurer, a member of the PDAA Executive Committee and on the Pennsylvania District Attorney Institute’s (PDAI) Board of Directors. In addition, Wagner headed the Education and Training Committee for PDAI. Prior to becoming a district attorney, Wagner served as deputy attorney general for the Attorney General’s Drug Strike Force (1993 to 2003), assistant district attorney in Philadelphia (1991 to 1993) and assistant district attorney in Cumberland County (1987 -1991). Wagner also serves as the Secretary-Treasurer for the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute (PDAI), the educational and training affiliate of PDAA.

The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association is comprised of approximately 1,000 members and is charged with providing uniformity and efficiency in the discharge of duties and functions of Pennsylvania’s 67 District Attorneys and their assistants. Since its founding in 1912, the Association has dutifully sponsored extensive training programs and reported legal and legislative developments of importance to Pennsylvania prosecutors. In addition, the Association is often called upon by legislative leaders at the state and national level to address public policy issues and efforts, which will impact the prosecution of criminal cases, victim rights and public safety.