York DA Sunday Testifies at Hearing on Law Enforcement’s Role in Protecting Communities
York County District Attorney David W. Sunday, Jr. testified before the House Republican Policy Committee on August 27, 2020 regarding the challenges law enforcement is facing in many communities around the commonwealth.
“We cannot forget that our police put their lives on the line every day. Dedicated law enforcement officers confront danger for our protection on a daily basis. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to these brave men and women.
Understanding the challenges police face does not minimize the importance of addressing many of the issues before us. Improving the fairness and integrity of our justice system is not mutually exclusive with supporting law enforcement and recognizing the inherent dangers that our officers face every day. In fact, based on my experience, a properly trained and well-funded police force is critical to meaningful criminal justice reform.”
(Click the picture to watch District Attorney Sunday’s full testimony.)