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Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin Honored for Innovation in Law Enforcement

PDAA congratulates Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin, who was recently awarded the “Law Enforcement Innovation and Leadership Excellence” award by the Citizens Crime Commission of the Delaware Valley. This was the first presentation of the award at the 42nd annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Day luncheon at the Bellevue Hotel in Philadelphia.   Martin has served more than 25 years as district attorney.

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Westmoreland County DA Nicole Ziccarelli appointed to PDAI Board

HARRISBURG, PA – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute (PDAI) today announced that it has appointed Westmoreland County District Attorney Nicole W. Ziccarelli to the PDAI Board of Directors. PDAI is the educational and training arm of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association. The institute was founded in 1983 for the purpose of developing and providing educational materials and training seminars for district

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Gov-elect Shapiro appoints PDAA’s Greg Rowe to Transition Advisory Committee

PDAA Executive Director Greg Rowe recently was named to Governor-Elect Josh Shapiro's "Law Enforcement Transition Advisory Committee." The Transition Advisory Committees will advise the incoming administration as it prepares to advance Shapiro's priorities. A press release from Governor-Elect Shapiro's team said, "From public safety to economic development, the Transition Advisory Committees will play a key role in ensuring the administration is

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Governor Wolf Signs Fentanyl Test Strip Bill into Law

District Attorneys support the lawful use of test strips to lower opioid overdoses HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) today commended Governor Wolf and state legislators for a new state law that ensures the lawful use of fentanyl test strips to detect the presence of the deadly drug. In January, Dauphin County District Attorney Fran Chardo, who is PDAA’s legislative

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PDAA Applauds Passage of Bill to Help Crime Victims Seek Justice

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) today commended state lawmakers for their bipartisan support of legislation that would help crime victims seek compensation in the civil justice system. The bill (House Bill 2525) would grant crime victims the ability to seek relevant criminal investigative information when they bring an action against a defendant in civil court in the Commonwealth.

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New Cumberland County DA Forensic Lab will help solve crimes with advanced technology

CARLISLE – Cumberland County District Attorney Sean McCormack this week unveiled the county’s newly improved forensic laboratory, which will allow law enforcement to use advanced technology to investigate crimes. “So many cases have been solved using cutting-edge technology,” McCormack said. “Combine that with the talented forensic analysts and it allows me to prioritize cases and take them to court, allowing the

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PDAA Supports Expansion of Clean Slate Legislation

HARRISBURG – Dauphin County District Attorney Fran Chardo and PDAA Executive Director Greg Rowe today testified before the House Judiciary Committee in support of expanding “Clean Slate” legislation. “The rationale in support of Clean Slate remains strong: Recidivism rates are lower among those who are employed after they are released,” Chardo said. “Record sealing helps lead to better opportunities for employment,

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PDAA Re-Elects Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin R. Steele as PDAA President

HARRISBURG, PA – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) today announced its elected officers for the 2022-23 business year. The election took place during the PDAA’s annual business meeting. President: Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin R. Steele Vice President: Adams County District Attorney Brian Sinnett Secretary/Treasurer: Clinton County District Attorney David Strouse PDAA elected Chester County District Attorney Deborah Ryan to serve on the

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A Career in Public Service: What it Means to Be a Prosecutor

STATE COLLEGE – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) is teaming with the Penn State Law Career Services Office to inform students about the many opportunities for becoming a prosecutor. PDAA invites anyone interested in a law career to attend the live-streamed event. A public service career isn’t for everyone. However, for those with a passion for protecting and helping their

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PDAA Applauds Senate Passage of Sexual Assault Legislation

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) today commended the state Senate for advancing a bi-partisan bill to expand the definition of institutional sexual assault to include sexual assault by caregivers on care-dependent people. The bill now heads to the state House of Representatives for consideration. PDAA Executive Director Greg Rowe explained that the definition of institutional sexual assault currently

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